Thursday, April 25, 2019

Post-Transplant Update: 25 April 2019

Alright...a few things to discuss today.

First, I had my appointment with the parathyroid surgeon. He is pleased with my progress, and is unconcerned with my latest PTH lab. He told me that with a partial parathyroidectomy, the PTH level can waffle up and down. Right now, he is happy if the reading ranges between 80-120, so long as the Calcium level stays in the mid-9.5 area. Any lower [calcium reading] and the PTH will spike and cause issues. So for now, maintain my current calcium supplement intake (1000 mg 4x/day), have the PTH re-tested in May, then call in for further instructions.
Also during this doctor visit, the three sutures that were causing me further discomfort were all trimmed down so as to be below the skin. He did this by using an 'alligator' clamp to grab hold of the individual suture ends [and pull them away from the skin a bit], then his nurse clipped each off, and the clamp released resulting in all three ends retreating back into the skin. There should be no further issues with these sutures; though I should still apply ointment once each day for about two weeks to help further dissolve the remaining surgical threads.

Next, the headache has, overall, begun to decrease earlier than I had anticipated following my last dental appointment. However, it still spikes daily; but at least it has begun to ease off for a period of time each day. This is terrific news on the TMD front!
Remember...small victories!

With the TMD settling down I finally began my daily walks to improve my leg strength, conditioning and stamina. 
I started with a short walk of about 150 yards last evening, then I just got done with another of about 200 yards right before I sat down to type this entry. Today's walk showed me just how much further my strength has slipped. With only a slight elevation increase over about 2/3's of the circular route I took, it left me wiped out. My legs were weak and aching by the time I arrived back home.
I expected this, even though the result today is a tad disconcerting. I have to remember that I am months and months behind where I thought I'd be by now because of everything that has happened since my transplant.
The weakening of my muscles is greater now than two years ago, so I must keep the positive thought that just getting started is the hardest part of regaining strength! Once your efforts become habit, the exercise becomes easier as you grow matter how incremental that progress might be.
A couple of days ago I was thinking about how far I have to go in getting back in shape. The thought occurred to me that it is as if I am starting to gain strength for the first time...all over again. THAT is how I must look at my day to day progress. It doesn't matter how long it takes; only that I am giving my best every single day.

My weight continues to rise, though I am unsure if the increase is from eating too much compared to my activity level, if I am holding onto too much water from day to day, or if my normal daily activity level has increased what muscle mass I have, thereby increasing my weight. Though I generally void most all of my daily fluid intake, there are days that I hold onto some [fluids] for whatever reason. In this regard, I have been counting my nightly urine output for the past few weeks. My nightly output is ranging from 800 cc's (8/10's of a Liter or kilogram) to 2,000 cc's (or 2 Liters/Kilograms). There hasn't seemed to be an apparent 'normal' volume of nightly urine output, though I will continue to check this. 
As far as my daily food intake, I rarely eat breakfast. (I believe I have previously stated that I haven't eaten a breakfast with any regularity in decades simply because I dislike most all typical breakfast foods.) Meanwhile, my lunches are light to moderate in total volume, and my dinners go between moderate to normal. Plus, I will sometimes eat an evening snack; though not consistently.  So, I don't know that the weight increase is due to this. It could just be a combination of all these factors. 
In any event, as my strength and stamina increase, my fatty tissue will decrease while muscle mass increases (even before weight training), so it will be interesting to see what happens with my weight.

Though I am frustrated with a few things, I am pleased, overall, with how I am coming along. Again, I must remember how far I have to go so that I temper any frustration with understanding of the journey ahead.

And with that, I will wrap this up for today.

Have a fantastic week, everyone!

Good Health to All!


Friday, April 19, 2019

Post-Transplant Update: 19 April 2019

I am getting to this post later than I had intended due to having that tooth crown placed, and the ensuing headache that resulted. So, let's start with labs...

16 April 19 Labs:

*Creat:   2.77 (+0.12) 

*HCT:   35.5 (-0.6) IR

*Hemo:   11.1 (NC) IR

*Lymph:   13.8 (-1.5) Low

*Lymph ABS:   0.9 (-0.1) Low

*Neut:   76.8 (-1.9) High

*Neut ABS:   5.0 (-0.1) IR

*RBC:   3.94 (-0.02) Very Low

*WBC:   6.5 (+0.3) IR

*BUN:   42 (+2) Extremely High

*CA:   9.5 (-0.5) IR

*GFR:   24 (-2) Extremely Low

*Gluc:   95 (Normal 80-100)

*K+:   4.8 (+0.4) IR

*NA+:   141 (+3) IR

*Prot:   ??

*MG:   2.2 (NC) IR

*Phos:   3.9 (-0.2) IR

*PTH:   121 (+59) Very High

          NC= No Change     IR= In Range

Though there has been small drops in a few of my numbers, I am particularly interested ion the latest Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) reading. Last month it was terrific. This month, not at all. As per previous physician instructions, I called the surgeon's office to relay the PTH and Calcium readings. Rather than immediately adjusting my calcium intake, the doctor wants to see me on Monday. Plus, he will be looking at the still-undissolved sutures in my neck, and will possible remove them, as well.  I will update you next week on the outcome of that appointment.

As far as the other numbers with movement in the wrong direction, I have a sneaking suspicion that these are a result of the higher PTH level. 

Urinalysis (UA) 16 April 19

Appearance:   Normal
Color:   Normal
Glucose, UR:   Negative
Hgb,UR:   Negative
Ketones, UR:   Negative
Leuk Esterase:   Negative
Nitrite:   Negative
pH, Urine:   6.0 (Normal Range is 5.0-8.5)
Prot, UR:   Trace
Specific Gravity, Urine:   1.01 (Normal Range is 1.003-1.030)

Aside from the slight elevation of the pH level (5.5 up to 6.0), the UA continues to clearly show that the kidney is filtering well. (YAY!)

As I stated at the very beginning of this entry, I finally had the tooth crown placed over the broken #19 tooth. The crown fits perfectly, and is level with the other teeth around it. Unfortunately, the headache I had from the initial dental appointment was only just beginning to ease up; and even the moderately light pressure exerted on my jaw was enough to send the headache pain spiraling upward once again. Luckily, the crown placement (and cleanup of extra cement) only took about 30 minutes, so I am hoping that the latest increase in headache pain goes away sooner than before. 
Oh...just FYI, before the latest appointment, my headaches were averaging about a solid 7 (out of 1-10), after nearly two weeks of nothing but 9-10's. This time, I came home with a 10+, and it is now averaging an 8.  :o(    :o(    :o(

Next, my energy level has remained up despite the elevated PTH. This is an excellent development! It tells me that I have not only increased some muscle, but also some stamina, as well. Though I still get exhausted doing chores, I continue cooking every day, as well as seeing that the house remains in good shape. So...definite progress!

I know that I had a few other things to tell you about, but my headache is hurting too much--despite pain meds--to both remember what else I has, and to keep typing up this entry. So, I'll quickly wrap this up...

Again, I will let you know how Monday's appointment goes. Until then...

Good Health to All!


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Post-Transplant Update: 09 April 2019

I don't have a lot to discuss today as things have been pretty uneventful, overall.

However, that doesn't mean there is nothing to pass on.

First, I had my initial dental appointment to fix that broken tooth (#19, apparently). As I stated in an earlier post, the break on the tooth was clean, and the underlying dentin was still in great condition; as well as was a filling on the tooth that had no stability issues.
Because of these factors, there was zero 'build-up' needed on or around the tooth to stabilize the crown. I had several impressions of the tooth taken, and a 'temporary' crown was created over the tooth in order to protect it from further damage, and the dentist just needed to clean up the tooth so that the crown would fit nicely.

Getting the crown made will take two weeks, and I will have the temporary crown removed and the permanent crown then placed on the 18th of this month. 

That was the good news... for the bad...

As with every time I have any dental work, my TMD was set off BIG TIME!
Ever since the appointment one week ago, my headaches have been averaging a solid 8, with frequent bumps up to 10+. Even with meds, my headache is terrible, and only time will help things relax again. Unfortunately, with the crown placement coming up--and more TMD aggravation--it will likely been some time before the pain calms down to a normal level. Plus, I'll be getting a cleaning in the next month or two. This is NOT a fun time to have TMD complications. Oh well...I do what I must and know that eventually these headaches will reduce.

Next, the scar from my partial parathyroidectomy is coming along.

(Seven weeks post-surgery)

The actual surgery pain is completely gone, and I can move my neck freely once again. However, even after following physician instructions, I still have undissolved sutures along the incision. 
After I see my monthly labs next week, I am to call the doctors' nurse to ask about any alterations of calcium intake. I will also ask about the sutures and if I need to have them removed. I will let you know what I find out.

My recent energy uptick has remained. Having the three parathyroid glands excised was definitely the right thing for me to do. I had been wanting to get out walking more than a few times each week, but with the TMND headaches so severe right now, there is yet another delay in really getting started.  :o( 
In any event, I am glad for the energy increase. I am cooking every day again, doing more household chores and am not such a lump at home (which is fantastic!). I'm even finding that I am getting bored; which I take as an excellent sign that I am on the upswing!

And that is all I have for today.

Labs and my next monthly infusion of Belatacept are next Tuesday (16 April). I will update my blog once those labs are completely available.

Have a terrific week, everyone!

Good Health to All!
