Sunday, May 19, 2013

18 May 2013

In the eleven days since my last full entry, I've had five dialysis sessions;
so, let's start there...

09 May 13
Starting Weight:  105.3 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.1 Kg
Water Removed:  1.20 Kg

11 May 13
Starting Weight:  105.4 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.8 Kg
Water Removed:  1.60 Kg

14 May 13
Starting Weight:  105.6 Kg 
Ending Weight:  103.5 Kg
Water Removed:  2.10 Kg

16 May 13
Starting Weight:  106.0 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.1 Kg
Water Removed:  1.90 Kg

18 May 13
Starting Weight:  105.8 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.3 Kg
Water Removed:  1.50 Kg

As you can clearly see, 'consistency' remains the word of the day when it comes to my dialysis weight management. You'll find absolutely no complaints from me!

A few weeks ago I began to notice a general numbing of the bottoms of both feet. At first it was just irritating. However, the numbness gradually increased its intensity, growing to uncomfortable; now, it is slightly painful. I have never had this happen, and since it is unusual for me, I decided to tell my nephrologist about it on Thursday when he came by my chair during his weekly dialysis rounds.

Besides the above info, I also told him that wearing shoes was becoming painful as well. He suggested I go see my chiropractor just to rule out spinal chord or nerve impingement. I'll go this coming week. He also prescribed a med in case the spinal adjustment doesn't solve the issue. In the cases of such Peripheral Neuropathy, a common Rx is the med Neurontin, aka Gabapentin. There are various adverse side effects--there always are!--but the common side effect I am most likely to notice is sleepiness and excessive tiredness. That certainly won't be anything new.  ;o)

Anyhow, I will be titrating the dosage upward in order to find relief from the neuropathic pain. I will start out at 100 mg/day x 1/week. Then, 200 mg/day x 1/week. After that, if no relief has been achieved, we'll keep going up in dosage until relief occurs. Hopefully the chiropractic adjustment will do the trick. If not, then I'll start on the med right away.
I will, of course, fill you in on how the treatments go.

My headache, now forty two months long, and counting, has had a bit of a resurgence to a consistently higher pain level. As far as I'm aware, I haven't done anything to exacerbate the headache; it is just more painful than even a week ago.

My sleep is once again all over the place--no surprise there, eh? My naps are fewer, my nighttime sleep is still 8+ hours, but I am waking up a lot every night, and I am walking around unusually tired again. By now, I think we've learned that I just have to endure this cycle, and that soon enough, my sleep will readjust itself...again.

On the good news front, my incidences of diarrhea have actually decreased over the past month. I'm not doing anything different, it has just calmed down. I absolutely don't mind this correcting itself for a while!

My appetite and fluid intake remain the same since my last entry. I don't expect any changes in either area anytime soon.

My overall energy level is down again. No surprise there. I am doing less and resting more. Since moving to our new place last March I am having to walk more, which only does me good. But, even since moving in, I have had a noticeable drop in my energy level. I will keep an eye on this, looking for any ongoing loss of my energy.

And that...I all I have for today.

Good Health to All!


Friday, May 10, 2013

10 May 2013

As promised, the following are the numbers from my latest lab draw:

*Albumin (16 Apr):  4.50 g/dL (-0.20 from 02 Apr)

*Hemoglobin (30 Apr): 11.5 g/dL (+0.20 g/dL from 23 Apr)

*Ca Corrected (07 May): 9.50 mg/dL (+0.20 mg/dL from 02 Apr)

*Phosphorous (07 May):  5.00 mg/dL (- 0.1 mg/dL from 02 Apr)

*PTH Intact (16 Apr):  199 pg/mL   (+60 pg/mL from 19 Mar)

*K+ (16 Apr):  4.0 mEq/L (+0.40 mEq/L from 19 Mar)

*spKdt/V Dialysis (07 May): 1.60   (+0.08 from 02 Apr)

Aside from the slight drop in Albumin, and the Hemoglobin remaining low (no surprise there!), ALL of my labs came back improved. I don't know how long this will last, but I will absolutely take results like these month after month.

It means I am eating properly, taking my vitamins as prescribed, drinking the proper fluids and getting to my scheduled dialysis treatments. It's not hard to do. As the patient, you simply have to decide to follow the instructions of your physician, Lead Dialysis nurse, and your nutritionist. Do that, and your numbers will look as good as they can!

That's it. Labs only today!

Good Health to All!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

07 May 2013


I'm only a week out since my last entry and here's my next one already.

Last week my dialysis weights were as follows:

02 May 13
Starting Weight:  105.9 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.1 Kg
Water Removed:  1.80 Kg

04 May 13
Starting Weight:  105.7 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.3 Kg
Water Removed:  1.40 Kg

07 May 13
Starting Weight:  105.8 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.5 Kg
Water Removed:  1.30 Kg

My weight remains steady both pre and post-dialysis. My efforts to control my liquid intake is definitely paying off. Yeah, I get thirsty...a lot! But again, if I had to do this suddenly after the nephrectomy, I would not be a happy camper. I'll take the discomfort of a little thirst right now. No big deal.

Over the past week I have experienced a rapid pain increase in both flanks again. This time however, the pain is at the bottom outside of both kidneys, instead of at the top.
I am sitting like I did when I had my back injury, just trying to keep as much pressure off the area as I can.  Looks like I have a good size cyst (or two) developing again.

My appetite is holding steady at its latest [decreased] level. No changes in any direction as far as this is concerned.

The headache is the same as always. My T3 use is holding at about 3.5 tablets per day. With the pain in my flanks increasing, this may increase as well. I'll keep you updated.

The last two dialysis treatments have seen me bleed from the distal button hole after I am done and taped up. This is different for me. Aside from one other instance, I have not bled at all the last ten months. I have no idea why the last two treatment have been different. The nurses and tech have no idea why it's happening, either. I'll try holding for longer after I'm off the machine before being taped up. We'll see if that does the trick.

I had the monthly labs drawn this morning. The results aren't available until late Thursday night, so I will probably get those results posted on Friday.

My sleep has returned to the longer nighttime hours, and the longer nap hours. This last week, I am averaging about thirteen hours of sleep every day.

Late last week I found out just how poor my muscles have become. I had to do a task in my apt, and it took longer than I expected, and was much harder than I thought it would be. By the time I was done I was thoroughly exhausted, my muscles ached and were extremely weak. The next day I could hardly walk. I just sort of shuffled and hobbled around. Sitting down was very difficult, and getting back up was even worse. When this is all over, I have a VERY long, VERY difficult road back to even a somewhat normal strength and endurance. And getting back to my former strength and muscle mass will take years. Oh well...just gives me a good challenge!

That's all for today. Look for my lab numbers on Friday!

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

01 May 2013

I think eleven days is quite long enough between entries. Let's get going; starting with weights...

20 April 2013
Starting Weight:  105.2 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.9 Kg
Water Removed:  1.30 Kg

23 April 2013
Starting Weight:  105.5 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.1 Kg
Water Removed:  1.40 Kg

25 April 2013
Starting Weight:  105.6 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.8 Kg
Water Removed:  1.80 Kg

27 April 2013
Starting Weight:  105.1 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.4 Kg
Water Removed:  0.70 Kg

30 April 2013
Starting Weight:  105.9 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.1 Kg
Water Removed:  1.80 Kg

As you can see, my weight continues to be consistent. I won't complain about the lack of wild swings from treatment to treatment. It's a LOT easier on my body, that's for sure! And I hit my dry weight twice in a week! That's unprecedented!

I thing I solved the mystery of why the lidocane cream (for dialysis canulations) wasn't working very well. The last tube I got had an expiration date of April 2013 on it. The cream was just an old batch. Like any med, the effectiveness wears off the older it is. The current tube of cream has an expiration of 2015, and it works great! So, if you are using the cream and it doesn't seem effective, take a look at the expiration date; it simply might be old.

I'm still having increased incidences of nausea. And, like before, the intense episodes are happening in the middle of the night. I have no idea why this happens. I can only hold on until the Promethazine takes effect.  :o(

The headache is like it always is--it goes...and goes...and goes...

My appetite remains lessened. This whole last month I never ate breakfast, most lunches were later in the afternoon, and dinners were fairly small. Plus, very little to no snacking. Again, I don't know why this has changed.

I got out by myself this past Monday to go take pictures. Though the excursion was only an hour and a half, it was rejuvenating and quite fun! The personal time left me exhausted and extremely sore over both flanks; but I don't regret the time one bit! It was much needed, and very fun!

I think that was all I have...I just don't remember. Remember that I am doing Twitter updates. Look for ScottW@HCB63.

Good Health to All!
